Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Grief is a funny thing..
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
The hardest day of our lives.. Please note this post is detailed and may upset some readers.
Sunday, 20 October 2013
The hardest decision you will ever make
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
It's been a while.
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Good news!!! But will it last??....
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Home at last!!
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Loneliness and feeling "Stuck"
9th October 2013
So my roommate left last night and although it's nice having a room to yourself there comes a point at around 7pm where you just feel lonely.....
I watched a movie, we'll started one, and tried to keep my mind off things. I managed about an hour before I decided it would be less lonely if I went to sleep.
This morning I woke up early enough that should a midwife come in with all the energy of someone about to go home I would be ready...alas this did not happen till 7:30am.
I had a fair amount of loss last night and brighter pink loss when I checked first thing. This is not a good thing.....
Had a few pains this morning which according to one dr isnt good.
Looking forward to breakfast and rounds should start shortly.....woo it just arrived!
Will update after I stuff my face and rounds are over :)
Xx B&S
So guess what!!!!! The Dr's are going to review my bloods and possibly let me go home today or tomorrow!!!!
Also, breakfast was brill as usual.
I have a new roommate too. She is older than me, has two other children is heavily pregnant and is apparently dying because she needs a cigarette...... she is heading off for one soon......
Anyways some good news for this morning at least :)
Xx B&S
Monday, 7 October 2013
8th October 2013
Morning rounds were a little different this morning. Was very much like what you would see on an episode of scrubs where dr Cox is treating the other Dr's like they are 'newbies' and asking questions that they should be able to answer but they are so worried about being patronized should they get it wrong that all you hear is silence......
So the verdict is in.... I have to stay here until there is no trace of blood.
Also it was said that because twin b (which apparently must now be known as presenting twin) is breech, we must have a cesarean section...... this is an issue because the risk to lungs for a cesarean are so high that she might not survive the only way they can be born......
But.... A cesarean is possible to cause me some health issues also....
So in short, there will be no winners...
Depressing much??!!
Highlight of my day today shall be visitors.
Xx B&S
Survived the first night :)
7th October 2013
I survived the first night in hospital!!! Woo hooooo!
I must tell you all it wasn't easy, between being distraught for missing my boys and the constant sleep interruptions (the fun of sharing a room) it was very difficult. I have been informed I am staying tonight also and I hope that being the second night and having a new, much quieter, roommate I will find it much easier.
I had a visit from Aidan and Harry and had plenty of Dr's, midwives, cleaners, peads and a lady from medicare to keep me entertained :)
The most hilarious part of my day had to be this mornings rounds, it really is just like in the movies where there are 5 or so Dr's who walk in, stand around your bed, stare at you but only one of them speaks.
The bleeding seems to have slowed down which is good and perhaps I might be let out tomorrow...
I have had some nice meals with rather questionable desserts (no idea what they were) and plenty of nice snacks brought in by Aidan :)
We talked to the pead today who gave us some real insight to what we were in for and the decisions that would have to be made at each gestational milestone. Our ultimate goal is at least 28 weeks if not 32 then full term. Born any earlier and we risk losing one if not both twins.
So exhausted now and it's almost 7pm which is not far off bed time I think. Two hours sleep last night but hopefully much more tonight.
Expecting a visit from my mother in law and my harry boy very soon :)
Update you all tomorrow
Xx B&S
Sunday, 6 October 2013
First hospital stay....
6th October 2013
We were about to head to a barbecue and I started bleeding.......
Normally I would freak out but we have been through so much it just seems more like a small hurdle now.
We went to pac and got seen by the Dr's. The bleed seems to have stopped but they want to keep me in for a few days to make sure I don't go into labor.
This was daunting just thinking about staying the night but to not see my boy in the morning is just plain awful!!! It's 10 pm and I miss him terribly! Sharing a room and my 17 year old roommate has been alone for the last few days and must be lonely as I'm the last 5 minutes I now know her whole life story as well as been told that 30 (my age) is really old.....
Hoping that I get some sleep tonight and can perhaps go home tomorrow?
I take my hat off to all the hospital bed resters out there it isn't easy!
That's all from me tonight...
Xx B&S
Friday, 4 October 2013
Infections and treatment.
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Monday, 30 September 2013
It's a.......
Saturday, 28 September 2013
Sleep is for the fortunate
Monday, 23 September 2013
20 week scan
Pre-Scan nerves
Thursday, 19 September 2013
A day of rest
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
New information and a step forward
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Bed time = blog time
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Pinched nerves
Saturday, 7 September 2013
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
Check up number...... I forget
Monday, 2 September 2013
Woo so we are all caught up now and here is my post for today.
All previous posts are information specific to what I could remember and didn't contain anything all that personal but I think you will find a fair bit more personal stuff in the posts from here on as, well, sometimes a woman just needs to get it out in the open.
Last night was a not too uncomfortable night as the last few months have been rather sleepless to say the least. My energy has started to return though and I no longer require (or rather just plain CONK OUT) a day sleep in the afternoons. I did however have a fairly large fluid loss though which is probably due to there being no loss yesterday.
So far September has been lovely and we have been rather fortunate to have great weather which we managed to go to the beach in and not get cold.
Our next appointment is tomorrow and I feel confident that the babies are okay and we will see the same sight we have been for the last 5 weeks. We are now at 17 weeks gestation and I have felt the babies (well one at least) moving a fair bit the last week. I have felt them move from about 13 weeks but only because I knew what I was feeling.
Must get round to entering pictures into the previous posts and also take a new belly shot!
Until next time! (which will most likely be tomorrow after our appointment)
Oh and a belly shot at 17 weeks taken today :)
xx B&S (Bubble and Squeak)
Follow up from our latest scan
This brings you up to our latest appointment which was a follow up from our last scan.
I had been experiencing Braxton hicks already and was a little concerned as I hadn't had any till 20 weeks with Harry but the dr assured us that all was well and you can get them this early.
The scan showed a bright bowel on Baby B which means that on the sonogram it glowed white the same as bones do which could either indicate that the baby has a chromosomal problem (we are prepared for this already) or it simply may have swallowed blood. We think this is highly likely also due to the rupture and the internal bleeding so will just have to wait and see how the next scan at 20 weeks goes in order to assess the situation further.
Oh and I forgot to mention that the Friday after our booking in appointment I had been contacted to say that I have a bladder infection so was to pick up antibiotics asap.
Anyways back to the visit. I had also got back the test results from my thiroid blood test and they, as all things in our current pregnancy are, were very confusing! the measure three things and one was high, they other two were low which didn't compute! We will find out at the next appointment if she has figured anything out otherwise we will be going for another blood test after that.
All up to date so far I hope you are enjoying reading my blog and if anything it is interesting if not informative or comforting.
16 week scan
Holy Moly!!! We made it to 16 weeks and had our scan!
This scan was rather special because not only did I get to bring Mum to the appointment (she missed out on my whole last pregnancy) but we also found out the sex of Baby A!!! (we are keeping it a secret for now as Baby B is still anon lol
The scan went great, we found out a whole lot of information including that they are definitely di/di twins and that the loss of fluid and small size of baby B is not due to TTTS Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome :D
Twin A is doing great and Twin B isn't doing to bad either. The uterus is split down the middle so each twin can move from above to below each other all the time which explains my fluid loss at random times as they move or switch places the fluid escapes.
The male sonographer we saw first was a bit rough and afterwards had a fair amount of bright red bleeding but the Dr who came in after was much more gentle and baby A cooperated for her and we found out its a....................................!!!!!! he he secret squirrel
We didn't get given any pictures though which is sad but I suppose we are just used to getting given a disc with all the images from the place we usually go!
We have a follow up appointment on Wednesday to discuss the results and check in with the HRC.
Booking in!
I have not included posts about all our visits to the EPAS Early Pregnancy Assessment Service as they are all much the same, we go in, tell our story, they do a primitive scan (Our way of saying they used their ancient machine that can do no more than see a hb and very fuzzily outlined figures) they say "Wait and See" and we leave again after asking whether they received the referral from our dr and getting a yes we did or a no we can't find it.... very frustrating.
In that time my Mumma has also arrived for a visit!! All the way from New Zealand and it is great!!!
Anyway, we finally have our booking in visit after having our second trip to Emergency and being rather distraught about all the LIMBO that we are experiencing.
We wait for what seems like forever in the waiting room (we are pretty good and well prepared at waiting now) and finally we get to see a Midwife. They take a urine sample, and sit me down to fill out a mental health assessment form. I passed that by the skin of my teeth because honestly over the week before, I had been feeling honestly pretty down about our whole situation. The midwife agreed and was glad that I had not ticked the box that said "I feel so sad I want to harm myself" She herself has been through something similar so knows what I am going on about when I say "I never want to hear anyone say, "At least you still have one baby in there", "Oh but you are so lucky to already have one healthy child". Trust me its no consolation for losing a child no matter how many healthy children you already or could potentially have.
A LOT of paperwork was filled out and all our details were entered into the system including past scans, blood test results and any family history that may hold a clue to why this has happened or what may happen in the future.
Oh I forgot to mention that they took a measurement of my height (with shoes on go figure) and weight! Eeeeeep Didn't want to see that reading that's for sure! Perhaps once we get further along, Aidan will finally be lighter than me lol!
An hour later we were sent back to the waiting room to wait our turn to see the dr in the High Risk Clinic which we were just booked into. We didn't have to wait too long.
The dr was GREAT! She answered so many of our questions and even told us a few success stories of women in our same position! It is like a breath of fresh air getting to see a dr who specialises in High Risk Pregnancies!
We are once again told the odds of what may happen but also told that we may be surprised to see that they are both just fine.
My blood pressure was taken, and checked for breathing and Thiroid which the dr thinks is a little enlarged so off for blood tests we go!
I think that was the extent of the conversation and we had another scan which was nice to see them both. We are told we can come in every week if we feel we need to which we have chosen to do purely for reassurance because of the constant bleeding which has now been going on for 4 weeks.
Next week on BSTJ... Lol 16 week scan update in the next post!
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Second emergency trip!
Just about to go to bed at 9:40pm and feel a gush...... Yup off to emergency again!
I felt and heard a pop like what I heard when my waters broke with Harry. My fear was that the waters had now ruptured around baby 'a' :(
This trip went much more smoothly as my mil took Harry and we waited only an hour before the amazing triage nurse managed to get us a bed in maternity instead of in emergency which we would have had to wait for hours for!
Great experience up there as we were treated like humans rather than a number and waited in comfort for the drs who were delivering a baby that moment. After half an hour a scan was done to confirm that both babies were just fine albeit the absence of water around baby 'b'. The waters may have been pooling from baby 'b' and its thought they may have just nudged past baby a and out into the open.
A sigh of relief was breathed by us both and we managed to get I to bed by 2am :)
Still the wait continues.....
12 week scan
Our twelve week Nuchal scan (where they check growth, organs and also for Down's syndrome) had come four days after our emergency trip and we were feeling good!
The first thing we saw was just one baby.... "Oh! Where is our other baby?"
The sonographer looked puzzled and asked if we were sure it is twins. They eventually found the baby but there was no fluid around our wee babe :(
The scan continued and measured baby a for downs and growth then Moved on to our baby b. still a heart beat, still growing but no fluid.
The dr returned once again and this time (after a really bad joke made by me about feeling sorry for her being the bearer of bad news all the time) told us that she is very sorry but due to no fluid being detected that our baby had signs of foetal demise and would shortly either be reabsorbed or would be flattened by the other twin.
Yeah I broke down.....
No mother wants to be told that.... Now to 'wait and see' what happens...
We would now be expedited for a booking in with the high risk clinic.
Follow up scan
This day was a long one.....
Aidan had gone for a walk and Harry was in bed when I felt a sharp pain. I got up and then felt a trickle..... Running to the bathroom I found I had started gushing and the colour was red..... Safe to say I freaked out....A LOT!
I called Aidan to say "I'm bleeding, we need to go to the hospital" tears flowing I waited for Aidan to get home.
We got to emergency and I told them what happened. After an hours wait I got to see the triage nurse, I told my story again and was asked to wait on the grey chairs.
Lunch time rolled around and we were still waiting. Finally I got some blood drawn and was asked to wait yet again. After three hours in the waiting room in agony and still bleeding we were taken into another room with a bed and once again I told my story (surely I could have it written down to just pass onto the Drs?)
She went away to get pain killers for me, half an hour later and three poo explosions (Harry's) a different Dr came in. Story told AGAIN and finally got some Panadol! No idea where the last dr got to?
We were then moved from the consultation room to a bed in the ward. Changed into a gown and told a Dr wold be there soon. Temp and blood pressure taken. Another hour later after telling my story to three more Drs they said an OBGYN from maternity would come down and see us and get a scan. Poor Harry was so bored by then (4pm and decided to get someone to come get him) shift changes started so story was told again to the new nurses.
At 5:45pm (we had been there since 11am) I got a scan by the OBGYN who said the babies were fine and she wasn't sure where the bleeding was coming from but could be a placental rupture. Finally discharged as they didn't see fit to keep me in all night and to come back for a scan in the morning. 7 hours after we got there, we left.....
This was our crappy beginning of August...
10.5 weeks gestation
So! Our next scan day had come, we were now 10.5 weeks along and we waited nervously to see if our wee babe had now become an angel or if life continued.
The sonographer started the scan and I refused to look until she had confirmed the fate of our tiny babies....
There were two heart beats!!!! We were happy :) our babe had lived to fight another week!
The scan continued and once again not much was said until the dr came in again at the end.
"Both babies have grown, the sac is starting to catch up on baby 'b' but we are now told that its bowel is still not enclosed in its body"
Oh great more things to worry about! "This could be because of a chromosomal abnormality but also because the baby is still a week behind in size and possibly gestation, it may just not have corrected itself yet"
Another wait and see couple of weeks. We would know more at the 12 week scan although the dr was surprised that our baby had lived another two weeks on....
The next post is the begins the scary part....
Time to catch you up
I will start this post with the very first scan.
8th July 2013
8.5 weeks along and I had so far had the elusive morning sickness which had not showed its ugly head with our first wee darling Harry. This led to us thinking, well it's either a girl or (said jokingly) it's twins....
We saw something straight away although thought perhaps it was my bladder or another organ, I eventually asked the sonographer, "ummmmm what's THAT!" Without hesitation she replied "that's your OTHER baby".......
Lots of nervous laughter and disbelief followed accompanied by shifty glances at each other as we thought to ourselves, how are we going to handle this?!! We are so happy though! Two more beautiful babies to love!
The scan showed one large sac and one much smaller one. The smaller one held a wee foetal pole which measured a week behind its womb buddy.
Measurements were taken and a dr was called in to deliver the prognosis.
This is the point where we are told that our baby 'b' is not likely to survive even a week longer.
This is due to the likelihood of a chromosomal abnormality which is suggested by the small size of the baby but also the sac is measuring three weeks behind the gestation of its occupant, but as they are both di/di twins (separate placenta and separate sac) then it should not affect baby 'a'.
There wasn't much solace in this news as a baby is a baby and it was OUR baby.
We are told to wait and see what happens thus beginning the long wait and see journey that is our twin pregnancy...
Next would come our 10.5 week scan...