Monday, 2 September 2013

Booking in!

21st August 2013

I have not included posts about all our visits to the EPAS Early Pregnancy Assessment Service as they are all much the same, we go in, tell our story, they do a primitive scan (Our way of saying they used their ancient machine that can do no more than see a hb and very fuzzily outlined figures) they say "Wait and See" and we leave again after asking whether they received the referral from our dr and getting a yes we did or a no we can't find it.... very frustrating.

In that time my Mumma has also arrived for a visit!! All the way from New Zealand and it is great!!!

Anyway, we finally have our booking in visit after having our second trip to Emergency and being rather distraught about all the LIMBO that we are experiencing.

We wait for what seems like forever in the waiting room (we are pretty good and well prepared at waiting now) and finally we get to see a Midwife. They take a urine sample, and sit me down to fill out a mental health assessment form. I passed that by the skin of my teeth because honestly over the week before, I had been feeling honestly pretty down about our whole situation. The midwife agreed and was glad that I had not ticked the box that said "I feel so sad I want to harm myself" She herself has been through something similar so knows what I am going on about when I say "I never want to hear anyone say, "At least you still have one baby in there", "Oh but you are so lucky to already have one healthy child". Trust me its no consolation for losing a child no matter how many healthy children you already or could potentially have.

A LOT of paperwork was filled out and all our details were entered into the system including past scans, blood test results and any family history that may hold a clue to why this has happened or what may happen in the future.

Oh I forgot to mention that they took a measurement of my height (with shoes on go figure) and weight! Eeeeeep Didn't want to see that reading that's for sure! Perhaps once we get further along, Aidan will finally be lighter than me lol!

An hour later we were sent back to the waiting room to wait our turn to see the dr in the High Risk Clinic which we were just booked into. We didn't have to wait too long.

The dr was GREAT! She answered so many of our questions and even told us a few success stories of women in our same position! It is like a breath of fresh air getting to see a dr who specialises in High Risk Pregnancies!

We are once again told the odds of what may happen but also told that we may be surprised to see that they are both just fine.

My blood pressure was taken, and checked for breathing and Thiroid which the dr thinks is a little enlarged so off for blood tests we go!

I think that was the extent of the conversation and we had another scan which was nice to see them both. We are told we can come in every week if we feel we need to which we have chosen to do purely for reassurance because of the constant bleeding which has now been going on for 4 weeks.

Next week on BSTJ... Lol 16 week scan update in the next post!

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