Monday, 2 September 2013

16 week scan

26th August 2013

Holy Moly!!! We made it to 16 weeks and had our scan!

This scan was rather special because not only did I get to bring Mum to the appointment (she missed out on my whole last pregnancy) but we also found out the sex of Baby A!!! (we are keeping it a secret for now as Baby B is still anon lol

The scan went great, we found out a whole lot of information including that they are definitely di/di twins and that the loss of fluid and small size of baby B is not due to TTTS Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome :D

Twin A is doing great and Twin B isn't doing to bad either. The uterus is split down the middle so each twin can move from above to below each other all the time which explains my fluid loss at random times as they move or switch places the fluid escapes.

The male sonographer we saw first was a bit rough and afterwards had a fair amount of bright red bleeding but the Dr who came in after was much more gentle and baby A cooperated for her and we found out its a....................................!!!!!! he he secret squirrel

We didn't get given any pictures though which is sad but I suppose we are just used to getting given a disc with all the images from the place we usually go!

We have a follow up appointment on Wednesday to discuss the results and check in with the HRC.

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