Thursday, 29 August 2013

10.5 weeks gestation

22nd July 2013

So! Our next scan day had come, we were now 10.5 weeks along and we waited nervously to see if our wee babe had now become an angel or if life continued.

The sonographer started the scan and I refused to look until she had confirmed the fate of our tiny babies....

There were two heart beats!!!! We were happy :) our babe had lived to fight another week!

The scan continued and once again not much was said until the dr came in again at the end.

"Both babies have grown, the sac is starting to catch up on baby 'b' but we are now told that its bowel is still not enclosed in its body"

Oh great more things to worry about! "This could be because of a chromosomal abnormality but also because the baby is still a week behind in size and possibly gestation, it may just not have corrected itself yet"

Another wait and see couple of weeks. We would know more at the 12 week scan although the dr was surprised that our baby had lived another two weeks on....

The next post is the begins the scary part....

Giganto 10 week Belly

Twin A

Twin B showing much more fluid

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